I'm a Dude Playing a Dude Disguised as Another Dude

Conversely, 4 minutes of charging might get you out of that sketch part of town.  Also, better planning might have completely avoided your scenario.  

Maybe it’s a childhood PTSD thing, but whenever I hear anything from Peter, Paul & Mary, I feel the uncontrollable urge to throw chairs and punches.

Outriggers would be better. I mean, c’mon! Who’s going to bother with that “detachable stabilizer bar”?  Lazy people will take their chances and eventually pay the price.

He wasn’t wearing his seatbelt either.  

It will take decades for U.S. manufacturing to “catch up”.

I would hope there is a way to cross reference cheaper parts from Volkswagen/Audi. You will need a dedicated garage with a lift, a full line of tools and diagnostic equipment, of course.

Well, there’s always Boeing...

This guy’s CyberTruck just came in so he can reclaim his title of “Uber Chad of the Farmlands”.

Does this “DEI spending” include Section 8(a) contracting set asides for women-owned, native American-owned, and other disadvantaged sectors of America? If so, then it will take more than an executive order to make it so. It will take Congress to change the law. Unless and until that happens, these “ideas” will be

Peter Stormare didn’t have to unpimp it eitherNP.

Copilot tells me that Musk played chess in his younger days but found it too simplistic.  It seems that checkers is more his speed.

Norway produces 2 million barrels of oil per day.  It’s burned elsewhere, so they can keep their clean air and sense of superiority.

Take out the engine/transmission before it’s crushed.

Depends on the mix. If they go 100 percent gas, then EV tooling will be abandoned, and additional capacity will be needed for gas vehicles.

The government will be on the hook for any specialty tooling developed and used for the electric version AND the new tooling to build the gas version.

The speedometer checks out.  The large white numbers are km/h, while the smaller, yellow numbers are mph.  

Lawrence, I used to deliver flowers way back in the day and A/C, as Emily specified, is essential for keeping arrangements from wilting.  A pickup just won’t do.

I want to know why Paterno called the athletic director when he was told, knowing ADs are the most worthless, useless pieces of shit ever.

3rd Gear:

I’ve always considered the Fiero a bit of a polished turd.  The underpinnings consisting of a front end from a Chevette and the rear drivetrain/suspension taken from the front of a Citation are not the ingredients for inspiration.  ND.