I'm a Dude Playing a Dude Disguised as Another Dude

Let’s throw the “off road” references on top of this pile of odorous excrement.  Who would off road a Porsche?

Got a question:  If someone were on the other side of the badge, and their story kept changing, how fucked would that person be?

I miss real journalism, too.  Not just here, but everywhere it seems.  

I would call the rear window “concave” rather than “wrap-around”.

Guess what, GM. Current fluctuations occur everywhere. I’m sorry this is somehow news to you.

The body shop aspect totally slipped my mind.  

Nor should they need one.

I’d be more interested if it remained a Mustang GT.  

Normal, Illinois, is the home of Illinois State University, founded as Illinois State Normal University. The purpose of “normal schools” is to educate teachers.

The A/C controls look identical to the ones on the ‘95 Caravan I once owned, so it shouldn’t be a problem finding an original head unit.  They were in almost every Chrysler product.

What was done to this car is absolutely criminal.  

I hope those kegs are empty.

Damn it!  Now I want this book!  What’s wrong with me?

Curse you for making think and learn today!  Now you’ve got me on Wikipedia learning things like Charle’s Law, Boyle’s Law, and other shit I need to know but will never use.  

I have a feeling the seller wants out before the next four-figure repair happens. And it will happen. ND.

I always thought this level of stupid was reserved for Americans, Floridians in particular.

So, when the price of new EVs go down, the price of used EVs go down.

My solution for those who continue to drive after banning? They should be surgically blinded. Problem solved.

The people they kill will definitely be unemployable.  

It makes you think what else has been half assed.