Yes, it’s a fuel filter. Very concerning, to say the least.
Yes, it’s a fuel filter. Very concerning, to say the least.
A unique engine (and suspension, and other stuff) requires unique parts and know-hows. Are any of these still available?
Pictures of it taking up three parking spaces is appropriate.
These cars epitomize the classic Iacocca formula for putting lipstick on a pig. Hell, he had the balls to run TV and print ads comparing it to a Benz.
I know times were tough in post war Germany, but damn! I think I would rather walk instead.
He has a LinkedIn page.
4th Gear: I wish auto manufacturers would sort out new technologies, like these newfangled “connecting rod bearings” before they release them to the public.
It’s kind of like those Southern border states have invented Slavery 2.0. Hell, they don’t even need to house and feed them like the previous iteration.
Additionally, give them Social Security numbers. That way, they can pay income taxes, FICA, and Medicare. If they stick it out for forty quarters, they can get a check every month, wherever they are, when they turn 67.
Do you think they are that smart?
They only have enough money to pay their mortgage, car loans, and credit card debt. The interest paid goes to the good guys! /s
This is precisely why I avoid the chain restaurant named after Buffalo wings. They have somewhere around 30-40 beers on tap, and I can’t imagine how long that keg has been sitting, being slowly used, and how often they clean their lines, if ever.
Who are these millions of normal middle class Americans who are indirectly invested in GM? The majority of equities are held by institutionals. Your statement may have been true when many more were vested in pensions, but no more. They are left to their own devices with IRAs and 401ks, and we know most Americans…
Maybe more workers can now buy the vehicles they build. Is that a bad thing?
Cadillac used to be worth buying once upon a time, but now you can get an identical platform in the form of a GMC, Buick, and even Chevrolet. Equally equipped, will cost thousands less than a Cadillac.
The Hitler story is more believable than the seller’s tall tale. A lot of timing incongruities. ND.
Fuck you! I’m eating!
ND solely on the red gauges alone, and a Florida Porsche “poseurized” with stupid wheels and an “S” designation it doesn’t deserve makes me want to walk away.
Vegas people feel scammed? Damn! I mean, they are usually the ones who have scamming down to an art.