I'm a Dude Playing a Dude Disguised as Another Dude

When looking at the other T-body offerings from Isuzu and Opel, you just can’t help but wonder how Chevrolet fucked it up so badly.  It’s as if they actually tried to make it worse than the other two.

I’ll do it if the salary and severance package are attractive.  I plan on being there for a couple of months at the most.

I’ve dealt with my share of asshole professors.  My philosophy was let him/her be the asshole I will never have to see after the semester ends.

You are an outlier on one side of the bell curve.  The other side of outliers are the “I didn’t get the Fauci Ouchy and I am a safe driver” people.

They were built by drunk and drugged assembly line workers and were garbage when built.  ND.

After buying, I would probably put another $5-6k to have a thorough going-over and have every nit picked.  So, all in at under $20k.  NP.

I will never understand why someone would “upgrade” the engine air intake, replacing a system that pulls cooler air from outside of the engine bay with something that sucks in hot air from directly inside of the engine bay.

This may clear up some confusion:

Something about it being the U.K.’s first toll highway”.

Reverse:  Ever heard of the term “turnpike”?  They’ve been around longer than 19 years.

Whelan is a disgraced, dishonorably discharged ex-Marine. His Wiki page outlines his lies and deceit. We got the better deal getting Brittney back.

Years ago, I dreamt of putting a blueprinted Windsor into a Lincoln Versailles.

27 years ago I wanted an Acura Legend coupe and a particular cheer leader I went to school with.

Why does Alex Jones remind me of a wet fart?

Hence the “Mr. Haney” act.

My A/C stopped working and the Firestone dealership I always went to wanted to replace the compressor, condenser, hoses, and evaporator (i.e. everything) for many thousands of dollars. I decided to drive without A/C since I couldn’t afford it. One day during a thunderstorm I switched the fan to defrost and the

The picture of the undercarriage surprised me. I was expecting a blob of rust.

A “hold” rating is Wall Street speak for dump that mother.

Due to personal experience, I will have to disagree with your take on sodium pentothal.

Any wine above $18 per bottle is lost on me, so the Evanta Malbec has been my “two buck chuck” for some time. The 2021 vintage is better than the 2020, so be careful when grabbing them.