I'm a Dude Playing a Dude Disguised as Another Dude

Probably.  My concern is parts availability.  

Agree.  This car is days, if not hours away from the junkyard.

Looks like some pixels are starting to disappear on the radio head unit.

Recirculating ball is usually very reliable, and you don’t have to worry about the cost of replacing a rack.

So, the warning triangle was left on the side of the road.  Hmmm.....

The TH200-4R automatic is a 4-speed overdrive automatic, not a 3-speed. The 305 has throttle-body fuel injection, which puts it light years ahead of the carbureted version.  

A few years ago I got caught in a snow squall on I-95 in Northern Virginia. While all of us were crawling along I saw, at various intervals, a Benz, Jag, and Audi flying at ridiculous speeds in the median lane. Eventually, I crawled by all three of them piled up together on the median grass. I couldn’t help but think

“Paul Jacobson also stated that the $2,000 savings in distribution will be passed along to the consumer shareholder

When 1/3 to 1/2 are spoiled little brats, Dante will promote you down another level or two.

Treble damages? Ever try to sue a poor person? Since they don’t have a license, they absolutely don’t have insurance either.

I swear that people who have habitual DUI convictions and drive with a long-revoked license should be surgically blinded.  Fuck them.

I have a plain, white Maytag refrigerator with no dents and works perfectly. Does that make it “museum condition”?

America has a terminal case of NIH.

Jerry Lundegaard sold that pissed off couple an Oldsmobile for $19,500 in 1988, but I’ll be damned if I know which model it was.  I don’t know of ANY Oldsmobile that sold for that much.

Dude is seriously losing his shit.

And if you didn’t, you get what you need at a 7-Eleven.  It will be a great learning experience for you.

That, too.  

I, as a boomer, do not miss my regular inhaled diet of asbestos.

The only time I’ve seen a first gen Prius was when Larry David was driving it.

There is nothing wrong with waiting until the technology is proven before you decide to use it.  That’s why all of my woods are made of persimmon.