I'm a Dude Playing a Dude Disguised as Another Dude

2nd Gear:  To all Faraday employees:  Run!  Those RSUs they are offering are worthless now.  They will be worth even less when they fold at the end of this year.

“The mileage is shown as 75,798, however, the car has a five-barrel odometer so perhaps that’s gone ‘round the horn at least once.”

Yup! He paid out of his charitable foundation:

The Fox News website is portraying this guy as a poor little Republican exercising his right to campaign for Rubio.

I am envious!   I have always lusted after a ‘59-’64 Caddy.  Preferably, a convertible.  

Without A/C it would be undriveable from May to September in my area.  However, it would be a hoot to use it as my daily errand car.  I would be in league with the other eccentrics around me who drive Morgans and 2CVs.

Good for you!  You can drive your Caddy, top down, without side pipes destroying your eardrums.

I am fully aware of that, and there’s a reason why they haven’t seen the light of day in factory form since the C3 Corvette.

People who want this particular car are just another version of coal-rollers.

Having side pipes and/or loud exhaust on any type of open-air car (convertible, targa, etc.) is stupid AF. Nothing like trying to enjoy a top-down drive while your eardrums are being constantly assaulted, so why not try to overcome it with a subwoofer?  Yeah, this is the kind of person who would want this car, gold

Not a fan of side pipes and windows that don’t roll up. ND at any price.

“Crab boils”? Blasphemy! Marylanders do it the correct way: They steam their crabs!

They came out with a 5-speed in later years. At its introduction, it came with a lame 4-speed transmission.

Also needed a 5-speed transmission with limited slip, a slightly different roofline from the rest of the J-bodies, and for God’s sake, get rid of the Cavalier dash and put one in that is uniquely Cadillac.

The worst may be replacing some ball joints and control arms, but those repairs are far cheaper on this truck than it would be on a VW Golf.

The rent is too damn high.  ND.

Yeah, big problem with drug dealers GIVING AWAY their product.

I am in violent agreement with your top 3 picks. 

Neutral: I had the same process for Pulp Fiction. I thought it would be a garbage movie, but thought it was OK immediately after watching it. Then I thought about it. Yep. Garbage.

So, a stoner is doing a stoner-food commercial for other stoners.  What’s the problem?