I'm a Dude Playing a Dude Disguised as Another Dude

I told you I may be wrong!


I wonder if car salespeople still try to convince a car buyer that they are “making an investment”?

I may be wrong, but the LC9 has an aluminum block, while the others are cast iron.

Gas stations near ANY airport will screw you.

OPEC is meeting soon to discuss production cuts.  I hope the meeting ends in arguing and disagreement, leading to a serious glut of oil on the global market.  This has happened before, along with blatant cheating on agreed production levels.

Same with trench warfare. A lot of lessons learned from the Siege of Petersburg were lost on the warring nations in WW1.

5th Gear: No evidence of a data breach? Well, it happened, and you don’t know why?

I will drive my 15-year-old, sun bleached Sierra 1500.  I will guarantee I will still have the best vehicle of the bunch.

My 45th was 3 weeks ago. Hard pass. I don’t do social media, and the friends I’ve kept in touch with since high school, we know how to get hold of each other.

Peugeot 505. Composites, not the stupid North American sealed beam junk.

49.9% of items will fail before their MTBF.”

When I’m talking to someone whom English is not their native language, I don’t have a shit fit whenever they “mispronounce” words.

Deferred maintenance.  Two words that should never be used together.

When they had 3-speed automatics, it was the GM THM400. Probably the most reliable part on the whole damn car.

Carrabba’s ≥ Home Italian > Olive Garden

Maybe pewter.  Gotta have your daily dose of lead.

I read years ago that, with a group of people, you don’t add the number of brains, you multiply them. That is, a group of three people is 1x1x1=1 brain. If you add a half-wit, the equation is 1x1x.5=.5 of a brain.

The Chevy dealership near me has 3 new Camaro convertibles on their lot. All of them have black interiors, which is the stupidest color for a convertible’s interior.

It is now illegal in Virginia.  Even Virginia thought it was a bad idea.  That says a lot.