I'm a Dude Playing a Dude Disguised as Another Dude

Yep.  That picture was the tipping point.

Imagine what an ultra-violet light would reveal.  

To be clear: Baltimore City and Baltimore County are two separate entities. Therefore, using the term “Baltimore Police” is inaccurate as it refers to the city.

When have the Swedes influenced global politics, economics, or military might?   

Hold on to that grudge. Hold on tight.

I thought that being stupid was solely an American thing.  Guess I’m just another myopic American who has bought into exceptionalism.  

It flew so high and so fast that by the time a surface-to-air missile got to its altitude it was long gone. That too, is mind blowing. 

Why not just slap a $1,000 fee on car owners instead for single filers making more than $40,000 per year; $60,000 for joint filers?

Because we can’t have nice things.

It allows me to disregard the statistically insignificant exceptions.

As a Virginia resident, I can tell you that the MAGA folks around me are pissing their pants when they were erroneously (half-truth) told we followed CARB regulations. I haven’t seen them yet, but I’m sure the coal rollers are in full force today.

It may be worth its value as a parts donor, but that’s it.  This salvage car belongs in a salvage yard.

5 hours? Hell, Amtrak has held me hostage a lot longer for many more times.

Reverse: Ever heard of the Bladensburg Races? Incompetence and cowardice allowed the British troops to walk into Washington. But British Major General Ross got his during the siege of Baltimore.

Considering Tesla and its customers this totally checks out.

This correlation should be studied further.

I would rather park this in my driveway. I will have far more dignity and self respect.

Maybe I’ll find an abandoned pack of these and stick them on.  The lowest price for regular in my area is $3.45.

Stereotyping is a great time saver.  That’s all.