And Twitter is talking ‘poison pill’. I feel young again!
And Twitter is talking ‘poison pill’. I feel young again!
We’ll know for sure when he buys a Vegas hotel and lives on the top floor by himself.
They did a great job of imitating the Wal-Mart generic brand.
The old ‘greenmail’ scheme. It was a big thing in the ‘80s.
When I was young and stupid(er) I bought a brand new Plymouth Turismo 2.2 with a 5 speed. Other than the fact it started falling apart like a Camaro on its third owner, the transmission was definitely the worst part of it. There was no power shifting with it because every shift I made was an educated guess. I didn’t…
The Crown may appeal to the inconspicuous consumption group, like the Land Cruiser did.
Tune in on AM radio talk shows. Nothing but RWNJ people ranting and stirring up the lumpenproletariat.
I’m thinking of day-shift dancers at strip clubs.
Disagree. Putting these idiots on the no-fly list may get them to think twice about getting too liquored up and/or exercising “muh freedumbs”. Personally, I am very tired of these “bus riders in the sky”.
Magnetic trays are a godsend. My wife gave me one for Christmas several years ago. Best Christmas present I ever got.
Cinnabon every time for me! No waiting, and all of those simple carbs get me to my destination with energy to spare.
I’m still wondering why they got rid of the Volt. If they continued refining, it would have 80 miles of EV range by now.
I sat in one when it was on the showroom floor. I got an instant case of claustrophobia. When I looked to the left I saw nothing but roof and had to dip my head to look out of the window. After climbing out I walked out of the place.
The Ford Panther platform lasted over 30 years. The only complaints I heard was when they discontinued it.
Back in the greys again. WTF.
The Phaeton was a huge success with regard to VW going upmarket.
Do you realize how much research and development that took?
I disagree. Government employees treat their vehicles very well.
Because its a piece of hillbilly shit, that’s why.
I remember in the early nineties GM announced that within 5 years they would build cars with the same amount of defects as Toyota. The obvious problem is that Toyota reduced the number of defects during that 5 year period.