For $20k they could have at least put on a matching set of tires.
For $20k they could have at least put on a matching set of tires.
No Dice just on the “Lean Burn” alone.
Can I get out of the greys, too?
Since when did they use Americans?
Just like the now dead Russian general who communicated his location in the clear.
The Federal Reserve is an independent entity and is not influenced by politics. Fight me.
Can I buy swaps on this debt, ala The Big Short?
Agree. Driving bumper-to-bumper at 80mph on the LIE will raise your heart rate more than the Cyclone at Coney Island, but its far less enjoyable.
The cows were brain damaged, in my opinion. Cows of normal intelligence are efficient/lazy, and will find the most direct route between two points.
I just want to know why I am eternally relegated into the grays. Why am I always “pending approval”? Is somebody not doing their job? I’m starting to take it personally.
Blame Wall Street for the panicked behavior you describe. Publicly traded companies will do stupid things in order to meet quarterly expectations.
A CFA near me fronts a Wal Mart parking lot and will consistently block one lane of a four-lane road. Whenever I see one of their commercials I wonder why they spend a dime on advertising.
The 900 Turbo was Peak Saab.
Neutral: I am very angry.
Not to mention their ridiculous subway.
It seems to me that corned beef is a lesser quality of brisket. Don’t get me wrong, I will never turn down corned beef. However, I feel that the briskets used in corned beef would never make it in its natural form.
Yeah. Crossing Charles Street, Mount Royal Street, or St. Paul Street can raise your blood pressure. Especially during rush hour.
Not sure about the foot traffic Amtrak brings to this station, but the MARC trains to D.C. get filled to capacity here.
I don’t know what road they were on in the video, but it sure wasn’t the Capitol Beltway.
It’s kind of like congratulating Raph and his gang for winning a more lucrative contract, then bitching about the increase in slideshows and popup ads.