I'm a Dude Playing a Dude Disguised as Another Dude

Without strawmen there would be no Republican Party.

Boomer here.  63.  Centrist.  I heartily endorse your comment.

What’s with the ‘grays’ shit anyway?

Forget the bed and the navigation. The real killer was that it was only offered with RWD.

I wish I had thought of a mask when I was flying pre-COVID, while breathing stale, recirculated air.

If this clown and his followers want to disrupt rush hour on the Capitol Beltway, they are about to get schooled by the commuters.

It’s the “stop and go” that should have had them go with hybrid vehicles.

The fact that they released their own video under the assumption that “it will clear things up” demonstrates their collective stupidity.  The world didn’t take it the way they thought it would.  It was a great help with them digging their own graves, though.

CAT8 cables are worthless if you are plugging them into a switch or router that’s only capable of 100Mbps.  CAT6 will suffice.

CAT8 cables are worthless if you are plugging them into a switch or router that’s only capable of 100Mbps.  CAT6

ND just on the basis I hate these damn things and I always have. They are way too big, they are overrepresented in my area (still!) and are driven by people who couldn’t get a Hummer. 

A heat shield would be a good idea.

Consider this a pre-malaise car.  Still has the horsepower it should.

I love everything about this car except the price. The rent is too damn high!

2nd Gear: I have been a contrarian on this subject for years. Adding taxes will provide disincentives to consumption, resulting in increased gas mileage and alternatives.

“The ones who have or are about to buy a car during this shortage have probably swallowed the price climate and are probably in the category of, ‘I don’t want to wait and I’m willing to pay the premium.’”

Bradford Pears are more fun late March/early April when a heavy, wet snow falls after they produce leaves.  Guaranteed destruction.

ND because it’s not the previous generation barge and the antenna needs to be on the trunk lid.

Neutral: The price of gas doesn’t affect me because I always put $10 in.

One could draw a conclusion that this ‘defect’ is only the tip of the iceberg.

Lime preserves the body.  You don’t want that.