Is it harmful to crack your back by twisting it?
Is it harmful to crack your back by twisting it?
I have three extra batteries for my phone (they only cost $5-$10 each). I keep one in each car and one at home.
What would be the Google Chrome alternative? Chrome >> Window >> Task Manager?
One doesn't have to reference paleo anything to demonstrate that bread/pasta/"White carbs" are sugars. (all carbs are sugars, in fact, even ones we can't digest, like cellulose) White bread, for instance, has a nearly identical effect to sugar when ingested. I'm no paleo-freak, I just read science articles and studies.…
Short term fasting has been shown to increase insulin sensitivity:
Who said anything about paleo? And yes, sugar is an addiction, try coming off of it, it's been quite difficult.
Sorry, that's some of the biggest BS I've ever read. You are STILL butthurt about Google Reader? Get over it, Feedly is already better than Google Reader ever was.
Finally! I still think the digital version should be free if I buy the physical book though.
This idea has been around for years, are you high? Is it really that hard to believe that someone might have filled out their shopper information and used that number instead of their own to obfuscate their personal details?
Just be sure that prices aren't jacked way up if you buy a computer through the school. My college currently offers one computer - a laptop worth about $350-400, for $650. They do it because over half of the student body are using Pell Grants, don't get cash refunds until mid-October, and probably can't afford to buy…
Not what you are asking for, but how about just leaving Verizon? :) They are overpriced and overrated, + their silly CDMA phones...
So what's LHU's mascot? The Flying Whitsons? The Binder Clips? The Sapphire Sugru?
It could be just my impatience but my N7 seems to be always looking for excuses to be slow. I'd hate to give it real ammunition. I could always *i n s t a l l* one of these AVs and find out, but I feel this is what the lab rats at LH and Giz are for, so I'll just wait. :))
But anyway I am wondering about overall…
Absolutely. There are many people who are examples to the contrary. I was just providing my own personal example.
I'll offer myself as a counter-example. I work in financials as a computer programmer. I have no degree. Many of my colleagues have advanced degrees, including a PhD in Physics from MIT. We do the same work for the same pay.
I am in IT, top of my field and have no college education.
Very few CEOs have ever experienced that, so to say that we could learn it from CEOs in general would be a mistake. If less than .001% of CEOs can say they got a bailout, any intelligent person would be able to understand that it is an exception, not the rule.
Yeah, if they could tie this into the omni bar in chrome that would wrap it up nicely
I guaran-fucking-tee these BURR grinder-pro coffee snobs can't tell the difference between burr ground espresso and blade ground espresso dust. Unless you drink straight up espresso, no sugar or anything, you don't have a sophisticated enough palate to taste the difference between a blade ground bean with a decent…