I wish there was a way to have incognito tabs and regular tabs alongside each other in the same window.
I wish there was a way to have incognito tabs and regular tabs alongside each other in the same window.
This is why I think the service subscription model is usually superior to paying for downloaded software.
The fact that ballpoint pen innards, coffee straws and air can straws are all approximately the same size make me think of open hardware.
Without realizing what a great decision it was, I did the same thing. I can't get into my .edu box but I still get the mail forwarded to my GMail!
Timgray, I can't say I always agree with your comments. However, I am always interested in what you have to say. Do you blog or tweet much?
I think college is, all things considered, a waste of time.
Anyone tried this on a Series 3 Chromebook?
Probably not the place for a request but... How about a Hive Five for android tv sticks and online text editors/IDEs?
On Chrome OS typing in a string searches for files, apps and search engine results. At the moment though I don't see much of a benefit over opening up chrome.
Back in the day, I naively paid for Limewire.
Look up Dorco if you haven't already.
Agreed. Mobile device browsing is cumbersome. I been wishing Chrome for Android would start supporting extensions but I've recently started using Firefox for Android which LastPass has an extension for. Does anyone know if LastPass is just an instance of Firefox? I can't see much of an upside to using the LastPass…
Cool tool but has anyone moved away from GMail entirely? If so, to what? It seems to me that an extension tied to Chrome is more of a band-aid than a complete solution.
I wish they would allow me to create an account with them instead of logging in through Google.
Omg, Whitson replied to my post... I'm a hot mess
I chose lxde on Ubuntu when I tried it just now, works really well actually.
I don't know how you guys do it. Too often when I'm researching a topic, lifehacker posts a tutorial exactly when I need it.
Just want to throw in my vote for Private Internet Access. They say they don't log your traffic (besides payment information) and I've never heard anyone say otherwise. They have setup instructions for virtually every OS (and a really nice app for Android) and allow you to pay anonymously with Bitcoins.
Vote: GSM Samsung Galaxy Nexus