
10 strikeouts in 3 innings? What?

Training Wheels Day

That's what they get for Brexit.

The last line ever posted on Splinter: “Thanks, I hate it!!!!”

They don't even have a team photo. They can't be any good.

Normally I am all about the snarky replies... but perhaps we should wait to see if this fellow is alive first.  Hm?

When a tweet comes out wrong

Feel the Bern (in your arteries).

With this, who needs bukkake porn?

Quoth TheMaven, "Nevermore."

As Robert de Niro said, "Fuck 'em."

It’s exsackly what I’ve always wanted.

I love how the announcers have no idea what’s going on or what the advantage of him doing this would be. Great work, experts.

Show him the biz, Markey.

Normally this would make any man a sticky sweaty mess. At least in Arizona, it’s only a dry cheat.

I like previews. I go to two or three movies a week, and really try to catch the previews every time. I don’t watch any TV or have any social media, so it’s my only way to see what’s coming soon.

If I had a nickel for every penis thrust into my face, then I would have no nickels because that’s sexual assault and I would have ripped that dick off with impunity.

William Tecumseh Sherman, still burning the South 150 years later, one city at a time.

Mormons get a bad rap as weird, incestuous, Children of the Corn lookalikes.  Be fair: they’re actually racist too.