
That goal zlaps.

He seems like a textbook case of early onset CTE. Should we help and pity him, or call him irredeemable?

Phew. Still a chance to lose up 3-1.

This is my shiiit.

Why are we assuming it's a male? Ladies, defend yourselves and your freedom to pee!

I’ll admit to never watching videos here, but this four-and-a-half minute one was worth it. I’m a newsie, however I didn’t know about this show, so thanks a lot for this.

Jack, did you need this?

If that “urinal” shirt is signed "R. Mutt," you might want to call Sotheby’s.

You’re my hero.

All the time. Well, no, I don’t make it a habit, but I live around the corner from the grocery store through my development and if I’m ever buying more than I can carry home walking, I drive 3 minutes with the belt off.

So freakin beautiful.  This made my day!

My new 2018 Nissan doesn’t make a sound.

I haven’t seen a young lady from Texas take it to the face that hard since Debbie Does Dallas.

Get to the "workin overtime" part!

I call horseshit.

Pirro’s sketch, however, had the season’s best spit take.

Pattinson is a tremendous actor, and indeed Good Time was a wild and incredible film.  I even liked him in the strange but under-appreciated Maps to the Stars.  And though I wasn’t a fan of High Life, Pattinson is by far the best thing about the film.  Anyone not excited for this has either not been paying attention

Plan on doing this at work in an hour.

Love you Drew! ❤