
Why do they only offer the manual with the less powerful engine?

Not gonna lie. I now have no idea what actually happened.

Yes that's exactly what I said.

A woman feeling harassed does not equal a woman being harassed. This is why no one takes #metoo seriously anymore.

Drunk people hit on other people every day, in every bar, at every party. If she said no and he got physical or became an asshole, that’s something. If he was groping her, that’s something. But hitting on her when she wasn’t interested? That’s nothing. That’s a guy misreading the room. (And women can do it too. I

Ya.. I’m with you. Being a jerk/boorish isn’t cool. If this article (or buzzfeeds article) was titled : “NdGT was rude and propositioned me” that would be one thing.   But we seem to be getting very close to (or may have already arrived at) the point where sexual misconduct is defined as whatever a woman says it is.

Configurator broken, won’t let me 3.3T and 6-speed manual...

A large portion of our driving time is spent in traffic. Stop and go in a manual just isn’t enjoyable.

I just can’t work up any excitement for a sporty car that doesn’t have a manual.  It just feels wrong and boring.  Unless you take a race track to work every day you’re not setting any lap times on your way to work so the fun of a sports car is picking your own gear, hearing the engine, feeling the midrange punch at

Can we please take infotainment issues out of these rankings? I mean, chances are most of the people driving the cars on the high end of reliability have these things shut off for the most part. Buick reliability dropped significantly, probably because they are finally getting successful in making cars for people

A flattened cardboard box works, too (at least once). I keep one on top of the spare. It’s also handy in case you get served.

It’s one thing to say that being overweight is mostly the fault of the independent adult who is that way. That’s true for the most part.

Right, but even a 2018 BMW won’t drive as nice as a 2003 530i.

and that counterculture needs to die off because it is retarded, embracing the “Yolo, lets troll the world” mentality. Since when was it cool to be a racist, misogynistic, homophobic jackass?

While i also hate the truck, hating on progressives is the new counterculture.  Its punk rock to be against them now :)  (first time in my lifetime, thats for sure)

Oh please, spare me more stories about the big bad banks. The guy apparently had $4k to put down, he could have had a nice used car for cash. Hell, in 2018 for $4k he could have a pretty decent car, now this story takes place in 1991. A 1988 Blazer was not simply an overpriced beater, he just wanted something better

I respectfully disagree. I think you can cover the less savory aspects of car culture (which we’ve routinely denounced!) without that “glorifying” it. You’re smart people and we trust you to get it without beating the point over your head.

Uh, no. I didn’t.