
For someone who appreciates automotive technology and then wants something as superfluous as a wristwatch to express that, a quartz movement doesn’t quite make it. A gearhead watch should have gears in it.

It’s obvious you have a certain agenda your pushing in this article. Which is well displayed with your last statement about white Americans receiving more welfare benefits. So a couple of things wrong with your last statement.

you do understand that per capita blacks receive more welfare benefits than whites... right. You obviously do not understand how to interpret data. what you are saying is whites get more than blacks, which is true, but when you see that blacks make up 13 percent of the US population.... you have to do a little math

Oh Monique, that welfare number would be great if you don’t consider that about 65 percent of the population is white and constitutes 40 percent snap recipients, and about 13 percent of the population is black and they make up about 25 percent of snap recipients. So I would say score one for Nkechi on her quest to be

This car is a pretty big sign of how much control corporations have over America. The mainstay cars weren’t making enough of a profit to please shareholders and board members that expect never ending short term growth before the next collapse, so they replaced it with something trending that people would buy on

How fitting of Ford to purchase an “enormous train station that stands out as one of the most illustrative artifacts of Detroit’s decline” to coincide with their own business model.

Oh, cool. Prison rape joke.

Son, we live in a world that has video formatting, and that formatting has to be guarded by men with comments. Who’s gonna do it? You?

That picture is from my old Prelude! I´ve reading Jalopnik for five or six years and this is my first comment. I couldn´t resist it seeing my old car. I miss it.

Fair, I suppose I was expecting something else for a handful of reasons. The title is quite specific about driving that exact car today, it’s tagged as a review and the only other articles under that tag are full reviews. I think you can see how I got that idea, no?

I was a certified pipe welder for the local 1304 about a lifetime and half ago.

Also, some of that is in place by the FAA, and for good reason. Continental Express flight 2574 crashed in Texas because of borked maintenance paper work and failure to follow procedures. An inspector with nothing better to do decided to help with a maintenance task. He removed all screws from the leading edge cover

It sounds like you had a bad personal experience. This is not indicative of what “unions” are. They are many things, but mostly they are what the employees and employers make of them.

If he was brought back after mediation, that means the company jumped the gun and fucked up.

*insert anecdotal union corruption story here with zero context or anything resembling factual framing.

I’ve been part of a Union negotiating team for three contract cycles, and a dues-paying member for 15 years.

About fucking time you stopped being such a loser.

And that’s why we love BMW’s.