V8 Vortec

They’re around, but I probably see three new Silverados for every new F-150 in my area. (Ohio)

I’m getting a Caddy vibe from those headlights.

Can they work on something for donating blood next?

Minus the rare, old part.

The only way to make a giant yellow Hummer bigger is to put it on a flatbed.

It’s not just PA. Ohio is alphabetical, and we’re on G now.

Hey Guys! It worked! They’re talking about us instead of Apple Music for a second!

I love the fact that there’s a C7 in this group.

Just as long as they don’t sacrifice duribility. ABS is tough.

And yet despite their ambitious production/sales goals, I can’t help but think “ooh! Maserati!” every time I see one.

Vroom! Vroom!! VROOM!!!

I don’t hate it. There are worse cars on the road right now.

Are you sure those are IBC Root beers? They almost look like (superior) Virgil’s.

Suburban is a little better at cargo storage than a tesla

This is me playing forza.

see also:

Yeah, but I’d rather have actual Lego that don’t fall apart.

This is what Jalopnik does that other sites don’t do.

I think they took a bunch of great components and stuck them together wrong. I like what they’re trying for, but they did it wrong.

9 year old told me he likes it.