V8 Vortec

I think the reason all of these re-imaginings are so great is because the avengers is so great. They all seem to work well.

Weight savings, yo.

Is it me or is there silver lightning in there?

Soft piano music and V8 engines. Pure symphonic beauty.

Great read. 10/10. Would read again.

Well at least it looks better.

Project cars needs more frantic steering.

Also good for C.

Much as I hate to agree with you, I think you’re right.


I Could almost do this on windows 8 if my fingerprint sensor would stop disabling itself every couple weeks.

Woah! Too far Elon, too far.

Dat green trim doe...

Came here to post this.

If you're instead looking for as few edge pieces as possible, try using a really big pan.

If you're on Firefox, there's a plugin called Shumway that attempts to translate SWF to HTML5. I've found it pretty good so far.

Welcome to Ohio, everything's average.

We'll keep at it. One day buddy...