
One of my favorite questions as an interviewee is, “What can I accomplish within the first 6 months that will make you confident that you made the right decision in hiring me?”

Apps tend to be more intuitive for a touch interface than the web version. Websites are designed with a curser and large screens in mind. On tablets, navigation is usually simpler, menus are better integrated, swiping around on an app is easier than touching small text on websites, etc. I pretty much avoid the browser

As someone who has used both a hell of a lot over the span of time I’ve always leaned towards

Dolphin may be our favorite third-party browser on Android, but despite all its great features, Chrome (which is now the stock browser on Android) is still my go-to. It syncs with Chrome on my desktop, contains most of the features I actually use on a daily basis, and integrates nicely with Android.

I don't. I just repeat the word correctly later in the conversation, as seamlessly as possible and hope they catch it.

Arguments about the Apple Tax are stale, bordering on outright false. Apple products aren't necessarily overpriced. They're just expensive. The same quality laptop from a different manufacturer might cost you the same.