The one who uses the phone is fitter...just saying...
The one who uses the phone is fitter...just saying...
That clickbait picture though…
In my book, anything the company provides should be strictly work. Of course there maybe a odd personal app like Spotify or a Password Manager installed on the work computer and maybe some personal browsing ie Facebook or Bank website - nothing NSWF. This never amounted to more than 5% of total usage. My company…
iOS 10 only. Been holding on from upgrading my 6 Plus as it slows the device.
Supporting Lena’s comment: iOS is not as big as Windows or Android - so not being the monopoly they won’t be liable to offer an option though I wished they did and allowed Chrome to run in all its glory i.e. with v8 and all that jazz. Having said that Chrome on iOS still does not use wkwebview as Apple has not sorted…
It still does not do the Facebook Chat head like UI for OSX still limited to ChromeOS and Windows.
This will never get listed on the Play Store so yeah .apks and manually updating them. Didn’t they do this before with an app instead of a browser? Would there be an iOS version by any chance? Apple is not so hot on Ad revenue as Google is.
Gotta love AlphaM, been following his videos since 2010
Will this be coming to iOS too? Also Maps needs to be able to edit/rename Starred locations
iOS version supposedly should be coming out soon so they said.
Is this applicable to iOS Google Now too?
Disable and relaunched - yet still can’t change it. It was fine before and I know some people were getting it and this method worked before but no longer. Chrome Stable on Mac.
As mentioned in the iOS Post, why bother with OS X then - just use Windows or a Linux Distro.
Makes me wonder - what is the point of using iOS at all if all you are using is third party apps? Boring or not, it is the integration that counts between the apps, the os, and the ecosystem. This applies for Android too but more so for iOS.
Bring it to Android and iOS already
Seriously how do they monetize?
At least you are where you want to be now.
Call me old fashioned but online dating has never worked for me, I have tried it a few times and it is not my thing. No offense but it always seems that the rejected lot are on there ie people who can't cut it in real life having to resort online to desperately hookup. Of course this isn't the case for everyone but…
Thanks Dan.
Hi Dan, thanks for taking questions - your feedback is most appreciated. Is there a better way to identify if a role being advertised is for you? Truly you would only really find out after joining and being in there for a week or two; but before hand what else can I do apart from research, asking questions, and…