
I understand your dilemma, I was "putting up" with Firefox too - Bookmarking via Chrome's Search Engine Manager didn't cut it for me because I can't search for them incase I can't remember the keywords and it is also rendered them inaccessible on Chrome Mobile.

I understand your dilemma, I was "putting up" with Firefox too - Bookmarking via Chrome's Search Engine Manager didn't cut it for me because I can't search for them incase I can't remember the keywords and it is also rendered them inaccessible on Chrome Mobile.

Yes I was hoping to get Trapster to integrate with Navigation or perhaps find a publicly maintained map which contains alerts for police cameras.

I have been using Google Maps Navigation Beta and I find it to be pretty decent. It has improved a lot in the past 8 months I have been using it. Windows Phone's Bing Maps is a joke though - tapping for voice guidance and is also fairly inaccurate.

Is this safe on metallic paint on vehicles? That is the other area where water spots occur

I requested an invite long ago but didn't get receive any feedback so this invite is a godsend. Thanks Melanie

True, exactly what happened when I migrated from Evernote, the data was in a format that I could make little use of it outside of the application. I went through the painstaking method of migrating from Evernote to Springpad and then Springpad to Google Docs where I think is the best out of the lot only for the

Gotta love Mozilla - unlike the games on Chrome Web Store which only function on Chrome even if it is a web app - this one works cross browser

My pleasure

Right on the money there huh Gimmeslack. FB has the numbers, Google+ doesn't even though it is technically superior but that doesn't matter if nobody is home.

I use Google+ in an entirely different manner then I do Facebook at least for now. Facebook is very personal, whereas Google+ gives me the freedom to engage and connect with content from anyone.

I swear to god - Whitson you must be psychic! I was just mulling about this the entire week. Comparing Facebook and Google+, deciding where I should stay and facing the dilemma that I really like one and hate the other which has all my friends / family / other connections - I am sure you know which is which.

What has been happening to LH lately.

You don't need an extension, chrome has built in functionality but this post is old

I think uTorrent Mac doesn't support App Studio at least for now [www.utorrent.com]

What do you use for GTD - Task Management? What are your views on Springpad along those lines?

Ditched Transmissions and started using uTorrent just for the RSS auto downloading feature. Saves lots of time and gets me my entertainment when I am back home

Since switching from FF to Chrome, I can't seem to get back to it no matter how much I try. I was a heavy Diigo user and the FF Diigo extension was far superior to Chrome's counterpart - the speed, aesthetics, integration w/ Google suite of products kept me using Chrome. Now that I have offline Docs/Cal/Gmail on

Replace the words Chrome with Firefox and vice versa - that would make more sense with his statement