
This sounds cool, am actually using Diigo for all this at the moment but intrigued to try something else

Wish I could download outside of US

Love how it resizes everything - iphone to android convert here. I don't get how some iusers say that browser isn't smooth and rendering isn't as nice - it all seems fine to me.

That was what I use to do before too but listening to standard radio online via mobile takes up too much data and battery.

I use Prey for both Macbook and Nexus S. It works for me.

I am using Texty too - now MightyText and it has been great. Google Voice features sending SMS through the its web app service, so I guess they have it covered but the problem is, it is still not available outside US and UK and perhaps certain European countries.

Sweet :)

Me too, versions is useful. A pity we don't get AirDrop but in my case, there isn't much Mac users around me anyway.

I guess then if Chrome has too many tabs open, it will show. I just downloaded it, will install some other time

I installed 4Gb from OWC since purchase - I guess it would be fine. Downloading it now

It is a shame isn't it, oh well

No, Macbook Black Santa Rosa Model Late 2007 - i upgraded the RAM from OWC within a week since purchased, probably the best decision I have made for this laptop.

Wow, thanks guys :) It looks like I should upgrade then - I have 4GB RAM. It is going to be a matter of time anyway that applications will only be compatible with Lion - so I guess not really much of a choice because I don't plan on buying a new Mac anytime soon. Upgrade initiated :)

I wonder how a Macbook 2.2Ghz C2D would perform with Lion - should I upgrade?

Two Questions:

Not ideal but it will have to do. Thanks Platypus Man

Is there no application for that in the market? I have got quite a learning curve now having just migrated from iOS to Android, but excited none the less :)

I can vouch for this too - During college days working on my media degree, I like having the freedom to work on my own and at my own pace, as a result I produce work I am proud of and others seem to respect and acknowledge. Nevertheless I acknowledge the creative output that can come out of small groups which click

I hope this thing can replace both Handbrake and Audacity on my dock.

Wished I lived in LA or the Bay Area :(