
I hate all that navigation when it comes to entering my food intake and workouts. As a result, I have to dedicate a separate browser window with 6 DailyBurn tabs (Food Intake: Nutrition Log, Favorite Foods, Recipes; Workout: Exercise Log, Custom Routines) to make things a bit more easier.

For me its 9, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1

This is a dream workspace with a Mac Pro at the centre piece. If I had this workstation it would be more for play and very hard for me to stay productive.

Does this work just like AudioGalaxy in a sense that it isn't a two way sync but strictly iTunes > Google Music

Update 5, ~1:30am 05/06 EST:

Even though if we want to, we can't right now but I agree with you regarding the brute force hack and supposed compromise.

How many of guys changed your LastPass password? I didn't receive any prompts yet but am having trouble login into LastPass via the extension says "LastPass unable to connect to login server, you are in offline mode, some functionalities are limited" which is obvious.

Perhaps, I was just being paranoid.

Just restore the phone / pod via iTunes

I jailbroke my phone after the Applecare expired (2 years after owning), played around with it and realized there really isn't much in it for me - sure tweaks, and themes are nice but it wasn't necessary.

So I haven't be asked to change my username should I hold that off as indicated in the blog update?

I am a stickler for the "just works" motto - so stable is how I roll. Besides Chrome has pretty much all of the standard features in a modern browser that using any other release at this point is purely for experimentation or development purposes.

This is great, finally native competition for FaceTime, that is more functional and practical.

Let's just think of it as an option for those who want too, not really a necessity for the rest of us.

I usually use a Mind Mapping tool like Xmind and branch out the positive and negative outcomes of each step. I guess you can use this method if the outcomes is either of this two. But usually it is more complex then this.

You certainly diverged very far from your original path - but I guess it is a good decision and is inevitable. Sad but true, its is very hard to be established in the creative field. I did a video production degree but also did a separate major on media and technology - at least now I can diverge into the technology

I am looking forward for Chrome supporting multiple Google Profiles and hoping this Evernote version fixes some bugs from the previous version.

That is what I thought too

Can the Apple keyboard power/connect two devices simultaneously for data transfer, sometimes it even fails with one.