A cleaner desk is a more productive one. Makes you feel good about it. Funny when I was kid, I use to clear my desk and leave nothing on it except a book, watch, pencil, and eraser when I studied for my exams.
A cleaner desk is a more productive one. Makes you feel good about it. Funny when I was kid, I use to clear my desk and leave nothing on it except a book, watch, pencil, and eraser when I studied for my exams.
So this must have been the reason why there were so many comments under G4 videos about Chrome working better the Firefox. Those poor kids.
Only two browsers support Custom Search Engine syncing natively, Opera and Firefox. Though funny how Firefox doesn't really boast about it that much despite being a rare but important feature to be supported.
I am using Read Later Fast
Yup, Yahoo Pipes works great, I use it for YouTube feeds.
@KamWrex: There is a fine line between an ideal all in one mobile form factor and that is somewhere between a phone and tablet.
Chrome Mainly
@cc: They have caught up since v7, in fact there has been more development going into the Mac version with the AppleScripts and GPU Acceleration. No Gears support as usual but that is Apple's fault and everyone is looking forward to HTML5 offline support anyway.
But the Nook is a eReader, not exactly in the same league with the Xoom/iPad - the main difference is an app store which increase functionality of the device.
Tablets are still more expensive then netbooks eg Xoom/iPad vs Eee PC
Thanks for the link. It is cute.
iDroid is still in alpha state, you most certainly won't be able to install apps from the market yet so you would probably be better of running the emulator. Though I really hope they get it working even on the older hardware.
Has AirSharing worked for you? It does Wifi but I warn you it may be a bit slow and requires a bit of setup beforehand.
This my favorite Night School Course so far - Thank you Whitson. I was actually on the lookout for more.
@Gonzie: Don't you just love Colorful Listview
I absolutely need alone time. Usually this place would be my room. There have been periods in my life where it was so hard to get that especially when going through college.
Also if you don't mind waiting till the current console becomes obsolete and has a stable emulator version on the PC, you will be able to get to play those exclusive titles.
Drug dealing, prostitution, and other crimes are the way to go - literally embodies the word get rich, or die trying.
@For4Fours: This has been how we have been managing our bookmarks.
I use to workout in a small private gym the size of a living room with a camera attached. I tend to use it during odd hours or when am with friends.