Claiming that EVERYONE is beautiful is like claiming that EVERYONE is rich. If everyone was beautiful, it would be boring. What is darkness if not contrasted with light? Love!
Claiming that EVERYONE is beautiful is like claiming that EVERYONE is rich. If everyone was beautiful, it would be boring. What is darkness if not contrasted with light? Love!
I got a clean Simone Biles joke: Simone Biles used to be called The GOAT by media. Now, Simone Biles is The Fainting GOAT. Funny how some women who rise in competitive sports and other jobs suddenly find they need to have a “ME” mental health day. Some equality, eh? Meanwhile, men have always lived in the real world…
The solution is easy: pay an actor a straight amount of money for acting in a movie. Period. Nothing else. The corporation does all that other stuff, not the greedy actor. Same with sports figures. No grown man is worth a dollar playing a kiddie sport. No one cures cancer doing it. Why can’t businesses make huge…
This smells a lot like 1970's vocalist Carly Simon’s lawsuit against her label Starbucks in the 2008 because she felt they hadn’t promoted her album enough. Starbucks? (You mean The Sharper Image passed on this bonanza?) An Album that no one cared about, just like her previous dozen albums. Somehow, an artist can have…
Yep, Republicans have ruined Texas. Look at that winter freeze fiasco. What can you say about a state that began as colonists to Mexico who committed Treason against their hosts, became an independent nation, threw that away to join the US, committed Treason in a Civil War, lost, and went Republican after LBJ pushed…
She’s not the first celebrity to face a problem. The media’s next Tiger Woods of Gymnastics, Simone Biles, chokes. Is she the GOAT?
My eyes literally melted reading that cartoon type.
Hilarious that hysterical Liberals *must* not understand that being born a woman will never BE the same as “becoming” a woman. It’s the “same difference” as being born a bird and “becoming” one by stapling fairy wings on your shoulders and jumping off the roof, while crying, “I am a BIRD!” Crow, Crow. Plunk. It’s…
Hilarious that hysterical Liberals *must* not understand that being born a woman will never BE the same as “becoming” a woman. It’s the “same difference” as being born a bird and “becoming” one by stapling fairy wings on your shoulders and jumping off the roof, while crying, “I am a BIRD!” Crow, Crow. Plunk. It’s…
To those without lives, empathically and desperately, yes, Yes, YES!!!
Look at a person’s eyes and you see the kind of person they are. Instead of getting by on talent, she gets by on getting attention by any means. Now she sells her skin. She is like the kid who farts in elementary school and waits to see the reaction while laughing silently but deadly. Taylor Swift has the same kind of…
Microwave that pig hit item on high for five seconds. Works wonders!
Allegedly, in high school, someone perfected the art of tire slashing. Using an X-Acto knife, puncture the side of the first tire once, the second time twice, and so forth. By the time the victim changes the first time, the second tire is flat...and so forth. Time to finish an Orange Julius while watching.
I’m really surprised that I don’t read in the morning newspaper about police obviously acting like cowardly assholes until armed civilians roll up and simply murder the police. Wonder how Jack Webb would spin this since on Dragnet, bad cops are instantly pulled up like a weed. The LAPD, New York, Detroit, and Dallas…
People actually believe her pathetic drivel? Another whore who becomes a Saint in her old age. And what are we really talking about? She flashed her bush. That’s all. BFD. Sick of everything a woman does sexually being in her flirty power, except when she wants to cry rape 40 years later. Then that Strong Woman wants…
Interesting read. In war as in peace, life only changes when the dinosaurs die.
Yikes, identifying with daddy-issue drunk Meghan McCain is revealing. Yes, the great romance is always a lie. Then you wake up and the beer goggles are off. People going through withdrawal with their addiction to people putting a price tag on the herd. The sad truth is that we are and have always been living in a…
Rand Paul reminds me of that grocery bagboy always picking at his skin and looking for his lost “rock.”