
Dude.. you’re not making any sense. Let’s agree to disagree. You can keep paying rent like you pay a credit card and be a slave for the rest of your life. I’ll stick to paying with cash and debt and never being in debt for anything and to no one. You go ahead and sit there talking about the logistics of Economics out

And my point was that while you can rent and save, it should be temporary. You’re always gonna need a place to live. You shouldn’t pay for it for the rest of your life. What are you saving for? A home is by far the biggest expense you’ll have in your life. You know what you have when it’s paid off? Money. And your

The bottom line up front is: “You don’t want to buy a house too early and you don’t want to rent all your life.”

you can get out of the hood, but you can’t get the hood outta you

agreed. Plus, who’s managing this? our government? since when has our government been known to manage money or do anything well? hello?

heck invest in bitcoin using your student loan and have to pay it back when you lose it all while you’re at it! (illegal by the way) :) also it’s like masturbation.. in the end you’re only screwing yourself

You may be confusing owning a home that’s paid off versus having a mortgage. “Owning” a home does lead to wealth/economic freedom. It’s most likely the most expensive thing everyone will pay for and unless one is an idiot with no self control, having that home paid off just cleared the biggest expense in your budget!

They are fishing for information so they can milk you as much as possible I’d imagine without you thinking they’re taking advantage of you and making you think they’re helping you when they’re just replacing one problem with another. So you are on the winning side by avoiding giving them any information!

Yo Katie, if you’re not getting better interest rate refinancing is pointless. It’s even more pointless if you don’t change your behavior. Debt is often not the problem, it’s a symptom. If you have the option to pay extra on the principle only, I would do it. Depends on the loan contract you got with whoever you got

I spent so much time baby-proofing things at work.. and it still doesn’t work!! I don’t want to do it at home too :( I’d rather just pay for the home insurance if people are gonna be that accidentally dumb.

Wouldn’t it be better to just straight up sell it when you can’t afford it? Like a bankrupcty would help if you were trying to avoid foreclosure but it doesn’t make sense to keep a house you can’t afford. And it doesn’t solve the problem in the mirror.

I recently heard how VPNs like PIA can offer you cheaper air flight prices. *wink* *wink* (Someone look into this..)

When I saw the title of this article Christopher Knight came to mind.. he’s probably not Dutch, but he sure takes the cake for this “Niksen”! The hermit is a very underrated tarot card.

When people say Bitcoin, I say tulips. Or just ignore them and hope they don’t get the screwing they’re going to get because they don’t understand what a commodity is or how to invest and grow their money instead of watching it balloon. Or how to measure risk and volatility. I have close friends and family that are

I’m surprised she went to see a therapist before a marriage counselor... or are they the same? I guess they can be. One of the toughest things about today’s society is the ambiguity of shacking up versus being in a marriage. Where does the boundaries begin? Where do they end? In a legal sense, it’s a damn mess. You’ve

I’m surprised she went to see a therapist before a marriage counselor... or are they the same? I guess they can be. One of the toughest things about today’s society is the ambiguity of shacking up versus being in a marriage. Where does the boundaries begin? Where do they end? In a legal sense, it’s a damn mess. You’ve

The most vulnerable device you’ve listed is your phone.. which should have some kind of update for it.. so you’d just have to keep that up to date or upgrade. Otherwise the next vulnerable device is your hearing aids... and there’s only so much they can do to harass your BT hearing aids. If all else fails avoid

Dare I say!.. The guy sci-fi author (E.M. Foner) who fell in love with his Alexa convinced me join in when the Echo dot came out.. sadly the review doesn’t exist on Amazon anymore but you can totally find it on the internets.

I heard an interesting story about a doctor who’s father was a history professor but started to lose it with Alzheimer which although was unable to help her father—lead to her discover something as basic as breathing properly to help assist in preventing stuff like that among other benefits.. the mind and body works