
I’m with the faz on conflict - I mean.. it’s just a problem 100% of couples face. Conflict is normal. Opposites attract. You’re with the other person because they’re different from you! If both people in the relationship is the same, one of you is unnecessary. The defusing, cooperation, resolution, sacrifices, and

I always like to rephrase them as: Quick & Doesn’t Last =)

Now if my phone would just be smart enough or give the option to get out of Wi-Fi mode when it has one or two bars and doesn’t even work...

That’s a great question. The answer is you don’t.

I am a big fan of “Actions speak louder than words.”

I had this incident where douchebag and his wife, kid, and her woo-girl friend were taking pictures on the tracks down in San Clemente CA. The worker lady told them to get off the tracks and they had the gull to argue with her. She was nice about it and told them they had deaths before but nah they wanted to argue on

I hope she gave them a no star rating for canceling their booking last minute like that.

For some reason I just thought about the opposite of everything you listed and thought.. that would be a hilarious movie!

The simpliest way I’d put this is pay in cash. Cash is king. If you’re trying to get out of debt something from $4-10k would be fair. I love cars but they are a depreciating asset. If you or your husband are road warriors (if you guys drive over 40-50k miles in a year) then you just wanna consider how much do you want

Another key would be to never touch it until you retire; it’s NOT your emergency fund. Also retirement isn’t an age. It’s a financial number.

I guess it goes without saying to price yourself fairly. It takes your time, research, resources, and experience to do the things you guys do. Experience/Technique is what’s often overlooked when people price or decide how much to pay or charge while freelancing. Don’t get screwed doing the same thing for the same

I believe the Catch 22 you’re referring to is that nobody is perfect.

Household income.

I’d be thoroughly impressed to see a closet with a window!

The worst that can happen is that we all die! Hahaha!

The only problem with that is some people will thing you’re the one being an ass and finally speed up only to bottleneck you and then both of you slow traffic.

There should be highway patrol officers outfitted with cars just for ramming slow passing lane cars off the road. Kill all humans.

Yes! There was an article about making using a single razor for a whole year using alcohol and keeping the blade sharp with scraping it against a board on cover in jeans by running it backwards or what not.

Did your roommate give you an actual reason for keeping all that stuff around besides being too busy to get to it? Without pressing the issue, I’d have him start the habit of going through a box a day.. if that’s too much for him maybe 2-5 on a weekend? Starting small helps!!

Do show! :D