
Why do you blacks pull down your pants??? Do you not understand that was invented by blacks in prison as an invitation for rape? Stupid blacks.

What a dumb article, Damon Young is a racist and a bigot.

War is peace

Hillary lost fifi

What you’ve just wrote is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this comment section is now dumber for having to read it. I award you no points, and may God

Why do you hate white people so much? You’re racist and a bigot. Blacks are the most racist people on earth <—- that’s a FACT.

Liberals will blame snow for their election loss in 2020 because snow is white.

Liberals created the KKK, BPP, and now the BLM terrorist organization.

#nuclear, #media, #Trump and #Benghazi. In the profiles pushing the tweets, the most common words were “God,” “military,” “Trump,” “family,” “country,” “conservative,” “Christian,” “America” and “Constitution.”

“Many Trump supporters hold racist views toward Muslims, immigration”

It’s very strange how liberals love and defend Islamic terrorism.

Will liberals blame aliens from Mars for their election loss next month?

Damn Terrell you’re racist towards whites... did you forget that hundreds of thousands of blacks voted for Trump?

Trump nuke the Russia

The expensive ones

You’re racist and a bigot

You’re a terrorist

Guaranteed if it was a black cop saying that about whites... everything would be okay. Liberals would be proud.

Blacks are racist and bigots

It’s 10x better for blacks to live in Ukraine than Russia but since she broke a law she now has to go to jail even though she’ll be out in a couple of months for good behaviour which is what happens to most law breakers in Ukraine.