Every single country is corrupt there is no need to put Ukraine & Belarus as corrupt since that’s just silly IMO. The black Ukrainian girl said she loves her country but it’s corrupt, so yes it’s Ukraine that is corrupt.
Every single country is corrupt there is no need to put Ukraine & Belarus as corrupt since that’s just silly IMO. The black Ukrainian girl said she loves her country but it’s corrupt, so yes it’s Ukraine that is corrupt.
You’re racist and a bigot
Cry nig
Wow look at all the black people protesting together with the whites.
150,000 people die a day I have 0 sympathy for this colored kid.
You’re so racist to white people & you’re such a bigot. Eat a banana and go climb a tree in a jungle.
You’re racist and a bigot
You’re 100% racist and a bigot. You deserve to be enslaved in Africa by other blacks.
The liberals are BUTTHURT to the extreme
Lucky Whitehead LOL
The 3 seater McLaren has already been sold out.
Make a V12 FFS
Too late it’s already completely sold out.
Rot in hell Mr Pareene
You’re racist and a bigot.