Michael Sirius

And the Democrats will let them get away with it

Where were the Democrats fighting for those unions? Where was Obama? That's why they lost

The Democrats ceased to be a left leaning party when they chose Clinton as their flagrunner

That's wrong, because her favorables were in the double digit negatives

Really? Because the country's impression was the opposite, that Hillary would not deliver on jack

You chose the hated woman under an FBI investigation over the most popular politician in the country. That's an indictment of the Democratic primary, not Bernie

That's fine, you lost, so deal, because we told you so

But New York during Stop and Frisk just loved Clinton, yes?

The same bill she supported by calling black kids "superpredators"? The NRA that threw a fundraiser for Clinton?

Smart? Disciplined? Inclusive? Hah

You do realize that the Southern states were placed so early because the DLC wanted to pick the most conservative candidate, yes?

They clearly didn't, now a Nazi's in office

Can you people stop pretending Hillary wasn't white?

No, the Clintons have been terrible for black people, Obama little better, they shouldn't have voted for her

How was that racist? Why would they vote for the "superpredator" Goldwater Girl who took money from private prisons? It was a good question

People fail to realize she was within the margin of error for most of the election, her failure to cross the finish line actually was not that far outta left field

Elizabeth Warren is a poor campaigner though…

You are aware there was a point more people believed in Bigfoot than her honesty? That's why she lost

Like the FBI investigation Sanders wasn't part of?

Nobody cares, we saw how well that worked on Trump and Obama, Hillary lost because 50% of the country already believed she was a criminal