Michael Sirius

So, you don't believe Trump's a fascist? How foolish

Trump literally hasn't taken office so of course there isn't a one party state. Also, what other party is there, the Democratic Party? That's soft opposition. Also, people do have a strong level of faith in Trump, which is why they voted for him despite the fact that he was in opposition to most of their views. Not to

I'm sorry, you still believe the Democrats are a left leaning party?

Trump says Putin and Kim Jung Il are great leaders.

He explained that the tax on Wall Street would be more than enough to pay for the free college. Also, his healthcare plan would actually generate $51 billion in surplus

Fascism is largely centered around "palingenetic ultranationalism"

Class and capitalism are directly related to issues about race…

You forget Trump had a favorability of ~-25

The president did not push nearly as hard as he should have

It's called the bully pulpit…

He called it Medicare for all and that sold

Cory Booker would have ended up like Martin O Malley…

Don't allow the fascist to run to the left of you economically was the lesson

Aaaand, they're still here, Dems are toast

You know the Dems abandoned the strategy because Obama chose to take money from the DNC and abandon the strategy?

Everybody knew who Obama was in 2004, he was the keynote speaker of the 2004 Dem convention

There was decades of video backing up his authenticity, that's why he caught on

Never heard the gay thing, but the Wall Street is absolutely true

You guys clearly no longer need the left, so… have fun with that

Booker is closer to Wall Street than Obama and Clinton. He's notoriously anti union.