Michael Sirius

Oh no…so just another Democrat then? Remember draft dodging Bill Clinton who went to Russia during the war? The Marxist Kenyan Muslim Nazi Communist?

After almost a decade of obstruction, that's the argument they'd use? That'd be pretty ballsy…

3x less coverage than Obama (all press is good press)


Yes, I do think a fascist is worse

Which was then verified with the Wikileaks emails?

I'm sorry, how is someone who supported Goldwater, Iraq, Libya, and Syria anything but evil?


So why didn't she do any outreach?

No, she just authorized the toppling of an African leader

She literally called for a military response to cyber attacks…

No, she was arrogant, full stop. The Left was screaming at her for months and she arrogantly ignored us

He started reversing the Great Society in his second term, and commie? Don't forget what he did to actual communists in Chile (*cough*Pinochet*cough*) and Vietnam. Not to mention Kissinger

No, Bernie represented a new strategy, different from the one that has cost Dems 1000+ seats since 2010

Yeah, who's idea was it to run the candidate under FBI investigation anyway? Pretty stupid of them imo

Sanders crushed all of them in the polls (even Kasich) and they're all at negative favorability

In violation of their own charter

People did not like her, most of her support came from anti-Trump. Please don't forget her net favorability was ~-11, people did not like her

But what does the scoreboard say?

Where was Clinton on DAPL? A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link