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Shall we repair to my study? I have a Victorola in there and a record that might be of interest to you. No ladies will be present.

Carrie Coon and David Thewlis make it worth the price of admission but it’s not as good as the first 2 seasons.

Yeah, I’d be more leery of the project as a whole than the role specifically. I’m fine with saying Chinatown is a classic and Polanski is a monster, but it seems like a lot of people really want to de-emphasize the second part. I’m not sure we need a cinematic tribute to his genius right now, no matter how indirect.

Way the along forgot we memories the was treasure real the.

Ugh. So sick of framing like “hyper-partisanship, and hateful rhetoric on both sides”, when the reality is that with the two parties it’s like if two people were deciding where to go out to dinner and one said “I’m feeling like Italian, maybe?” and the other said “I will only accept anthrax and gravel” and then

And the crew genuinely had no idea about Bollywood when they wrote that line.

He has “seen the future,” which is different from “knowing the future.”

“Very few people ever get the lollypop. Very few, it’s rare. They even let me pick what flavor I wanted which they told me they never let anyone do!”

But I didn’t write Obama. You just misread it.

timey-wimey, wibbly-wobbly

People always reference doing these shows for “exposure”. Has anyone gone on to something better from these? Something not “reality-based” i guess? 

kinda funny how whoever holds the top spot at Fox ends up involved in sexual harassment scandals. Almost as if the rightwing knobs are all pieces of shit, or at least become pieces of shit once they have an iota of power.

Yeah, Xena ended up having an outsized impact on my turn-ons. Not Xena or Gabrielle (though they’re both beautiful and sexy), but Callisto. My God, Callisto. She forever cemented an unwavering attraction to ferocious, crazy-eyed blondes who would quite possibly rip out your throat or burn your house down.
It’s . . .

And the nominees for “Most Pointless AV club Article of The Year” are....

You might think that “what followed” was the plot of the movie Grease, but…

It’s the one that I want before the one that I want!

As someone working in an industry that most consumers kinda loathe, maaaaaybe don’t say that sort of thing online ? Lol. 

The villain in Trading Places was raped by a gorilla... Repeatedly... Until he fully submitted...

“Look Pwartoo Ricky, it’s simple. You’ve got floods. Floods are really just big spills. What absorbs spills? Paper towels. I’m a genius, you’re welcome.”

We sure do go represent you in all those wars of yours though! F you! PS look into why that is, a little history lesson would be fantastic for you!