
Why the fuck is my comment from yesterday still in the greys?

Y’know what? I don’t even care. I’ve fucking had it with Kinja and this site.

Obviously y’all don’t want people to actually participate in discussions here so I won’t ever bother again. I also won’t give you any more clicks and views.

Go fuck yourself,

I have enjoyed Meat Loaf many times over the years. He was absolutely a good singer. It was fun when he popped up in movies I watched. And I know others liked him quite a bit more than I did and he brought them lots of joy and that really is wonderful. But based on John Rich’s hyperbolic praise, I have to assume he is

Hey, if you figure it out, please let me know!
Cuz I’d sure like to participate around here but it’s pretty pointless if you don’t know if anyone will ever see your comment.

I give the top prize to GB&U but definitely prefer More to Fistful

People have been getting head lice since long before the invention of shampoo. 

I dunno... as an adult I certainly have no interest in watching YouTubes of kids playing games, but as an ‘80s kid I would often go through my allotment of quarters at the arcade in a matter of minutes, then hang out for hours more, having a blast watching actually good players

Given all the other wonky rhymes in the song [Hold/Road; Seat/Free; Dawn/On; Wind/In] arguing “sways” must be correct isn’t a very convincing argument. Similarly, arguing “sways” must be correct because of the literal definitions of it vs. “waves” only works if you ignore all the other examples of non-literal lyrics

Why not just accept the etymology for “helicarrier” you yourself provide in the first sentence? “Helicarrier” literally means “sun carrier”, so named because it’s gigantic and flies through the sky like the sun and it carries lots of troops and ordnance. Problem solved.

I don’t understand your complaint about the

I think a better bet than Kang-proper would be Immortus, who can exist here as his own character then be tied to Kang as Phase 4 continues to unfold.

Hooray for love of this movie!
I generally get blank stares from folks when I mention this one (ditto Quick Change) so also nice to find fellow fans here in the comments too.
I can personally attest to the flop status of this one — at least in one Midwestern college town — cuz it played at the theater I worked in high

I don’t get the allure.

Holy Hot Hell is this article poorly written.

I agree but would also ask, “What joke?”
Cuz Barsanti seems to be laboring under the strange delusion that Diana Ross is every bit the superstar she always was and that any album she released would be a smash hit, with or without help from Antonoff, but there’s no reason to believe that. Her last album — 2006's I Love

Growing up, the older brothers on my street concocted a “sports league” wherein one of the younger brothers was given a football helmet and shoulder pads, placed inside a cardboard box filled with pillows, then pushed down the stairs leading to the basement. Living in the Midwest, we all had basements, so that

I think there’s no doubt both Bugs and Daffy are jerks. The key difference (when the characters are used “correctly” anyway) is that Daffy is greedy and vain and willing to step on others to get what he wants. Bugs, on the other hand, just wants to be left alone to do his (solitary) thing. Don’t fuck with him, he

The idea there is a power greater than anything humans can conceive which exists separately from the universe is called religion in a lot of parts, and I suspect the adherents of those religions would say that belief does the opposite of “flattening everything into relative meaninglessness.”

Me? I’m an atheist, I just

Bugs is who we want to be. Daffy is who we are.” —Chuck Jones

I absolutely agree being a snake-oil salesman is reason enough to condemn Dr. Oz to the bottom of the rankings but am confused why that same reasoning wasn’t applied to the #3 pick, Mayim Byalik, given she’s now in the business of shilling for brain pills. 

She is but the scientist supreme of AIM. It’s really just a fancy job title.
However, there is a Scientist Supreme equivalent to Sorcerer Supreme for the entire Marvel Universe and that man is Hank Pym, who I feel would lose in a fight with Doctor Strange very, very badly.

(For the record, Hank Pym was appointed

Whether intentional or not, it also leaves open the possibility this is essentially an origin story for some future villain to emerge from the troubled residents of Westview.