
“anybody having kinja problems?”

meh. I’m gay. I like being fucked in my ass. I’m good without pussy. Sorry that you seem to define self-worth on it though.

What the fuck is it going to take to get white athletes to start taking the knee? Is their precious endorsements and money more important than basic fucking decency?

It’s less about the show (although it’s exactly the kind of mainstream, lowest-common-denominator show that does not appeal to this site’s demographic), and more about the fact that this site has gone from providing thoughtful, insightful reviews to this kind of Buzzfeed-esque clickbait.

At first I was totally on her side and the guy seemed so lame, but then she was awful in the bar, and when I watched that scene where she’s going off on him in the parking lot and I was like well, duh, you’ve been having sex with a guy you don’t like for three weeks and now you’re mad that he’s confused? I didn’t