When my wife, a Muslim, gave birth to my first child I texted a large group of friends and family to tell everyone the details. A former friend of mine decided to respond to the entire text chat “Did he come out with a bomb?”
When my wife, a Muslim, gave birth to my first child I texted a large group of friends and family to tell everyone the details. A former friend of mine decided to respond to the entire text chat “Did he come out with a bomb?”
That could help out Twitch’s lagging revenues. They could call it ‘Twatch”
What is really funny is this site is talking shit, maybe fairly, about these key reseller sites and at the same time “Kinja Deals” is featuring “deals”(aka ads) for those very same sites.
Effin A!
This is one of the many reasons I’ve started collecting blu-rays and 4k discs in 2023.
He uninstalled the game and didn’t hear Square say, “Please, oh baby, don’t go!”
This also means the maximum you can discount a single transaction online is $34. That’s one $15 coupon, one $10 coupon, one $5 coupon, and one $1 coupon. Lol. Lmao even.
“I have no idea what to get you and I don’t give enough of a shit about you to find out, but I know you like this type of thing, so here - I’m locking you into buying something at this specific store, and unless you want to waste part of this gift, you will spend at least this amount on your own gift - likely more.”
I thought I was immature, but see nothing...
There are so many Pokemon that have it so much worse than Raichu.
It feels better to own it on 4k.
One one hand, free pizza rules and it’s Domino’s own damn fault for making a full-on freebie code in the first place.
On the other hand, free pizza does rule but ordering 77 free pizzas is overly greedy and just calling attention to it, ruining it for everyone.
On the other hand, I feel bad for those employees that got…
Haunter > Gengar
#1 in my heart will always be Phantump.
“They’re giving <noun>.”
Yeah at this point I’ve known two folks to die on ‘em, one to come damn close and seen at least one go down for good on the interstate. That doesn’t even go into several folks who’s dads died on them.
Holy Crap!!! Did you guys actually get a review copy of a game?! I thought you managed to piss off everyone