Even knowing the answer, I can’t help myself from counting the fingers.
Even knowing the answer, I can’t help myself from counting the fingers.
I don’t care how good or addictive a game is - if I worked for the company that makes it and they laid me off, you couldn’t pay me to play one of their games again. On top of that, the fact that this person had absentmindedly stockpiled these codes for years brings even less worth to this supposed “prize”.
A+ naming. Very well done indeed!
Grouping up with friends is a surefire way to get BP quick
Yeah, that’s the part that rankles with me especially, is that it’s become accepted to use words that imply ownership when discussing digital media (“buy it now on digital - own a copy from our online store today!”) when it’s been proved time and again that the transaction resembles a lease or indefinite rental…
Digital media is something a consumer can rent/lease, but never own. I always approach it with that mindset - I am not buying this game, I am renting it for an indefinite term. If the concept of ownership is important to you, buy physical (if available) and if not, then adjust your expectations.
Sounds like you want that story to be Simple and Clean again ;)
Yeah, but nobody needs an article to tell them that a gift card is a good gift. That’s my point.
My beef is that it’s not an idea, it’s what you turn to when you can’t be bothered to think up an idea for a gift. It’s really just a more specialized form of currency than...you know...actual money.
I’m sorry, but “gift card” isn’t a gift idea - it’s the absence of one.
Look at just the outlines on the wing...
Glad I wasn’t the only one who was brought to a halt by that phrasing. It sounds dumb & I hate it.
I had the Path of Glory glitch happen to me twice before I sought out answers on Reddit. The timing of it is just so perfect that it seems possibly intentional at first. I mean, you get in the taxi, you ask him to “take me to The Afterlife” and BAM! Instantly dead.
I’ve run with this as a theory in the past, and it’s fine! Good enough, even! Tease it out into two paragraphs and stick it in a journal you can find in Lookout Landing, and you’re done. It’s a bit of a stretch that a post-Calamity Hyrule could accomplish this task so completely under 10 years, but it’s not laughably…
While playing, when I realized that there was never any answer to “where did all the Sheikah BS go”, outside of a few bits here & there either left behind or repurposed into the new towers, I was disappointed.
It’s a good month to be a fan of Vanillaware games. Anyone even slightly interested should check out Odin Sphere Leifthrasir - it’s a gorgeous game that sits high atop my list of games I wish I could experience again for the 1st time.
Just like all the wooden bowls in Skyrim, they’re there to help the world feel lived-in, not to serve a vital gameplay purpose.
As Randy Newman once said, “short people got no reason to live.”
I stopped playing AC:NH a while ago, but this sounds like a maddeningly tiresome way to make money. To max out one donation box you’d have to interact with it 99 times - so much button mashing and menu navigation. Perhaps this might be useful for someone just starting out/starting over in the game.