
A wire is a flexible tube. And they are contained within tubes as well.

Well, strictly speaking, it is.

Umm… so have you been railing against PBS, NPR, and Air America as well?

Did he mishear it as "A Lannister always plays his debts"?

I don't know much about her intelligence, but her campaigning for a bigoted piece of shit doesn't speak well for her ethics, even it is was her mother.

So … you like Chelsea having a poor command of the English language?

"Thanks to relentless coverage by the "liberal" media, even after it was proved there was no "there" there"

Someone went seven hours without answering my question! Clearly, they must be a bullshit artist. What other possible reason could there be?

Dikachu didn't say "There was nothing there that was a slamdunk criminal case", he said there was nothing, period. Nice moving the goalposts, there.

Given that as of me replying, a post that consist of nothing but an ad hominem has 41 upvotes, I don't find upvotes a very good metric.

"I never slice"

Are you incapable of buying candy without also buying condoms? I don't think the price of candy bars is your biggest problem.

What's a world baby, and when did she get her third one?

That's a terrible pun. Booooo!

I was a bit disappointed there wasn't a Carly Rae Jepsen cameo in Season Four of Arrested Development. Alia Shawkat's character could have said to her "Call me Maeby".

In case anyone's interested in what was, it's Bandslam.

That sentence is gibberish. You seem to have no understanding of how business works. What, do you think corporations can deduct profit distributed to their shareholders from their taxes or something?

In a capitalist society, wealth is the market value of the assets you have a legal right to. In an autocracy, wealth isn't as well-defined. Wealth and power are not completely distinct in capitalism, but in an autocracy, they're even more intertwined.

What does Reaganomics have to do with it? And why does Chrome accept "Reaganomics" as a valid word, but not "externalities"?

If he were to foot the bill for current costs of transgender service members, he would run out of money in about ten thousand years.