
Capital gains is 15%. Plus the corporation pays income tax.

The total market capitalization of Bitcoin, on the other hand, is only about half of Bezos' wealth.

Is that a Cinema Sins reference?

Remember when people thought Bush would go down in history as the worst president? Those were the days.

Is it just me, or does that guy look like Mayim Bialik?

I saw a youtube video where they tricked guys into feeling up a man's ass, followed by the guys reacting with violence until they were told it was for a youtube video. Apparently challenging someone's heterosexuality is such a violation that it justifies violence … unless you're posting their humiliation on the

Although that still doesn't exactly clarify whether it's parody in the sense of "we didn't actually give cyanide to people", or in the sense of "we gave cyanide to people, but we did it ironically".

I dunno, artificial sweeteners taste bitter to me.

His plane was actually flown by remote control as a false flag operation, and he's alive and well working in the government facility that faked Obama's birth certificate.


Pausing several times through the first third: Braveheart (Scotland), The Santa Clause (Finland) one of the Harry Potter movies (Romania) Paddington Bear (Peru) Zootopia (El Salvador) Scarface (Colombia) Dumb and Dumber (Austria), Strangelove (Russia)

So don't put it at the end of a line.

I repeatedly referred to the taxi industry. This subthread is incredibly unproductive. I think that if you want to discuss my comment of http://disq.us/p/1j49i51 , you should just start over from the beginning, because at this point we're just discussing the other person's misunderstandings of each other's posts

Seems like that could do some damage to the golf cart.

"If there were not guns in the media, gun violence would not be eliminated, therefore guns in the media is irrelevant."

"In my ideal world you could only obtain them after extensive testing, both practical and psychological (including implicit bias tests because we don't need racists owning guns) and only after demonstrating a proven need to own one (hunting regularly for food, not sport, very high level law enforcement…that's about

How will he catch a publicity agent for it?


So, what, you just assume he's talking about Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania? Maybe he was talking about Pittsburgh, North Dakota. Or Pittsburg, Arkansas. Or the USS Pittsburgh.

Product safety and accurate labeling apply to pretty much every industry. And the only way that bringing food into this is not a non sequitur is if you think that my comments apply to regulation in general. It is a bizarre generalization to say "You object too regulations that are specific to industry X, therefore you