
"So, you'd prefer the food industry to be unregulated, so companies can just put harmful ingredients in their products, or not label the ingredients accurately, without any oversight?"

You said "completely unregulated". "Complete" implies "in all manner". And how it came up is that you implied that my comments about regulations being against the interest of customers applies to all regulations. It's bait-and-switch to say that "unregulated" means "not actin in accordance to these particular

So when it started, its drivers were exempt from having to register their vehicles with the DMV, get driver's licenses, or have car insurance? The company was exempt from civil suits? Did Uber have a business license?

I was saying that if the only stuff, or the only important stuff, in an article is not new, then it's not informing me. There's a difference between having some background information, versus being almost entirely background information, and the small amount of stuff that's new is trivial stuff like "my boss edited

Only if you have a very narrow definition of "regulated".

Quote what you think means that.

Nothing will be left?

It's supposed to be "Someone gave Buster a big hand".

"How does recognizing that fact make someone a moron and an asshole?"

Uber isn't unregulated. Their drivers can licenses, their cars are inspected, etc. Taxis versus Uber isn't a matter of regulation versus no regulation at all, it's a matter of rent seeking regulation versus basic regulation.

"That you think that news articles should only mention the latest information shows that you have no idea how journalism works."

Will all the girls go crazy?

It's the dual of vfefe.

What was it in, $500 bills?

There's always money in Markie Post's bosom!

"Why does it matter that those are the only new things?"

"No, the regulations are not explicitly based on screwing customers."

"Well, fuck you too, asshole."

But the alleged sexual harassment was reported on long ago. Pretty much the only new thing this article adds is that the boss edited Google Docs. How the fuck is that worthy of a brand new article? This is clickbait.

"This reminds me of the straw man that always comes up around things like women's rights."