
So you prefer something explicitly based on screwing over the customers, in the name of "regulation" and "following the law"?

I rather doubt this is based on any facts, rather than your rabid, knee-jerk hatred of people more successful than you.

"Screwing" implies something underhanded. They're just outcompeting the previous workers.

How are self-driving cars anti-liberty? Or are you referring to the proposals to require self-driving cars?

Those aren't TVs, those are iPads. And yes, the webcam is on.

I think you've said too much.

That was pretty much just a device to get Tina Fey into the plot. I don't recall them showing her driving anyone but Tina's character.

"the way they used to have operatives order Lyft rides and then try and pitch the Lyft driver to drive for Uber"

""The Grapes of Wrath" is a story about workers displaced by automation"

Child support is considered to be a right of the child, not the ex, and as such cannot be waived in a prenup.

For small values of "point" and "MRAs", I take it?

I'm rather skeptical that charitable events are exempt from discrimination laws. And you're mixing up implicit and explicit.

"except in the more indirect sense of people only having so much disposable income a year."

*Anyone* can grab a woman by the pussy. It's the "they let you get away with it" part that requires you be a star.

Seems to me that Rogue was the main character of the first one.


If you have zero coins, and each is worth an infinite amount of money, and you divide them evenly among zero friends, how much money does each get?

What about his dickhead killjoy?

And Trump is popular. He even won a popularity contest!

I don't think you quite got the plot.