
Five letters is enough to make a reasonably unique acronym, but googling "TIF" got me "tax increment financing".

"I suspect going there specifically would send a message."

I googled Kurt, and one of the top results was a Daily Beast article and … wow, this is passing as journalism?

Anyone else reminded of the Kimmy Schmidt plotline of Jacqueline being ashamed of being a eleven-millionaire?

So white women make less than black men?

Is "salary" the correct term for getting paid for a single performance?

Every artist is a cannibal.

Either respond to me or not. If you're going to throw a tantrum and block me, then go away.

"within a week is despised by everybody for acting like an asshole."

Wow, you sure are touchy. Like not having to deal with you is a loss.

AC transmit power one way.

Was Ross the Martin, or Martin the Ross?

Or Blosby!

"criticism of Friends characters being always white. "

"This post only cements status as ignorant member of wealthy elite."

Accountants are wealthy?

Either they only eat one meal a day, or they can buy more than one meal with what they make in a day. If the latter, then clearly their PPP is greater than my daily lunch bill. Your post makes no sense.

"These are specific metrics used to measure a troll."

"How many tubes systems do you know of that can send and receive at the same time?"

I would think that he would have more support among Pegasi than earth ponies, what with wanting to build a wall.