
Let me clarify. There have been better systems on earth that would be easy enough to resurrect. Currently, those systems are not in use.

If I remember correctly, in his statement last week Mueller essentially said that he would be saying nothing more about his investigation. What he didn’t say was that... that’s not really his choice. Maybe someone should say that for him.

It is not the best system on earth. Look around.

When I recall my teachers at school, I realize that half of them were abnormal. We pupils were brought up to respect old people and women, but on our professors we had no mercy - they were our natural enemies. The majority of them were somewhat mentally deranged, and quite a few ended their days as honest-to-God

At some point we will stop thinking in purely binary terms. I guess that wonderful future isn’t here yet. No, people aren’t siding with Trump over Warren. People are not “siding” with anyone on this issue. They’ll just get turned off to her in varying degrees. That’s it.

Native Americans, Cherokee specifically.

Can’t say, but for someone as brilliant as Warren - an academic steeped in science - it’s hard to believe that she bought the entire story based on hearsay and that she had “high cheek bones.”

Excuse me?

Speaking for Native Americans is not a good look. I doubt you care considering you’re minimizing their entire existence based on your “NBD” attitude towards Warren’s tremendous insult. Assuming she knew she wasn’t Native, which is a pretty good assumption.

Now playing

Catch 22? She can identify as a woman but she cannot change her biological makeup to match that of a woman. It isn’t possible. Therefore, trans women will always handily beat cis women in athletic competition.

Are you serious, Sarah.

1) American Indians make up 0.9% of the population.

Say goodbye to Warren.

Voters want gifts, not lectures. This man is a fool.

For as much noise as he makes about the press, he somehow receives only positive coverage. Beginning to wonder if the news conglomerates answer to the Executive Office and Trump’s shtick is a ruse. But that couldn’t be, could it?

It could be the greatest plan in the history of this nation and it wouldn’t matter because he can’t win the states that need to flip. This guy is a complete waste of time.

I believe he’s more interested in creating a legacy for himself than any sort of actual beneficial change. He wants to be known as the man who introduced socialism to America. 

Your opinion is pure fandom. You have shown no understanding of the topic at all.

Beto is a blank canvas that can be painted with whatever appears to be popular. I think you are mistaking my understanding of the field for specific advocacy. Not the case. It’s clear that Sanders’ time is up and his only purpose is to coral his 2016 advocates so he can endorse someone else.

My dreams.