
You realize the same was said about Bernie the summer of 2015, right?

Sanders did well in 2016 because his message was new and there was a decent percentage of the left that hated Hillary. His message is no longer new and Hillary isn’t running.

The field has already narrowed to three. These nobodies will remain nobodies and their thirst for greater power and status will be quenched with silence.

It does seem that way. 

Napoleon Complex is real. All short men are aware of their height at all times.

And whatever you think of the merger

Does this mean you believe it is an accurate measure?

The intent is good and if genuine real progress. Even with tighter lobbying definitions/restrictions you would still have congresspersons leaving to join major private entities whom they may have done favors while in office.

Here’s a good one about teacher’s unions. 

Yeah you and everyone else who wanna lose. Stop it. Warren? Stop it.

Can y’all please stop? Nobody is beating Trump and I don’t want another 2016 style letdown. Warren has no chance. She’s weird and said she’s a native American. Straight no chance in hell for her. Same goes for Biden who really is a creep. Mayor Pete is a mayor in who knows where and newsflash a gay man isn’t winning