
No. Just highlighting misconception. 

No, Michael Bennett.


Turnabout is fair play. Let’s make the GOP take IQ tests in order to vote.

You don’t honestly believe the British are in charge of their own country do you? They voted for Brexit and the vote was ignored. It’s a democracy only in name.

I was thinking of the guy who won seven Tony Awards.


British Empire 2019:

Apple sells products. Google sells you.

It was effective and a damn good time. 

he’s a very canny politician

The last time we protested against the Brits we won our independence and destroyed your empire. And I guess you missed the Women’s March.

Brits are imperial colonialists to the core. They love guys like Bolton and were booing Ivanka without a doubt. 

Brits just aren’t very good at protesting. That’s the sad truth. The last time they protested they got Brexit jammed down their throats. There’s a lot to admire about our cousins from across the pond, but their protests are just kind of embarrassing. They are horrible at it and should stop. Maybe try dialogue? Brits

Oh got it. Mayor Pete is pro-groping [not really] and Kamalala is pro-prison [fact]. They have virtually no support, so all of these S-Heads are lurking mostly in your imagination.

I’m not following.

People like Mayor Pete and Kamala make the primaries fun, but they aren’t serious candidates.

I hope you’re not saying what it looks like you’re saying.

I have a morbid interest in attending one of Trump’s rallies and I doubt I’m the only one. I crashed a Tea Party event once. 

Not bad.