Utsubyo Senshi Nikorasu

That’s not even what Article IV, Section 3 is talking about in that part.

No, it appears you’re the one who doesn’t understand what federal, sovereign, and unitary mean, as defined in political science. (No, “intrinsic sovereignty” is not a conventional term-of-art, to my knowledge, but ranwhenparked’s phrase still makes sense.)

Meatballs flavored with rosewater? Sounds odd, but I’ll try anything once!

Iceberg lettuce is fine, but romaine truly is the best for a classic Caesar salad. Really, all varieties of lettuce are nice to have available, you know, for... variety.

But the visions themselves never were admitted in court, in the first place (because the whole zombie thing was a secret in past seasons). As you said, they generally got the murderer to confess, or used the visions to lead to other, admissible evidence. The only potential legal angle I can think of would be some sort

Not all millennials are progressives (either from observation or self-description). Willingness to ban some speech with the hope of helping minority groups might be indicative of self-described progressiveness to some extent, but you still can’t claim the full 40% (which is still a minority of all millennials, anyway)

You’re confusing slow cookers with pressure cookers. (I believe combination products also do exist, but I’m pretty certain an ordinary Crock Pot-style slow cooker, without a pressure cooker function, cannot be used as the basis of an explosive device, like a pressure cooker can.)

My post-hoc idea is that query was something along the lines of “female Moclan & well-respected but reclusive figure.” The writing on the show isn’t quite good enough (at least yet) to convey that (or something equally sense-making) either directly or through better hints, but it seems logical, so I’ll go with my

…she's blaming everyone but herself.

I hate to break it to you, but the Democrats were split between the North and the South, actually. The 1860 election was between Lincoln (R), Breckinridge (D-South), and Douglas (D-North) (plus a fourth candidate). The Republicans were most definitely more anti-slavery than the southern Dems, but there were spectra of

What would you propose, instead, for this instance? Normally, photo captions say something like "third from the left," but the people in the photograph aren't lined up enough for this to work well. I suppose you could try "the woman holding the sign with the black background," but it can be hard to figure out who is

And the revelation of the Tuskegee Experiment led almost directly to the medical and scientific communities and Congress instituting institutional review boards and requiring informed consent to make sure nothing like that would ever happen again. Science is done by humans; it is never perfect, and in the 1930s it

I wonder if the "very polite passenger" on the other flight had to phrase what they said to the crew very carefully. I think the last thing I'd want to do on an airplane is to announce, "Excuse me. I have this loaded gun I f…" *Gets tackled*

Nipples are actually fine, legally speaking. I just checked the Japanese edition of a (non-pornographic) seinen manga on my shelf and Google Image Searched some naughtier ones, and there were examples of both male and female nippletude. There are a lot of artists whose style elides that detail, but it's not a

I think if someone's character is harmed just by watching an unedited video of them speaking, that's suicide, not assassination. (And, of course, since "child porn" and "cheese pizza" start with the same letters, there's totally been no character assassination of Podesta et al. by Jones et al.; that's just how

About US$0.27.

(Minuscule fragments of) crab meat mixed with a thick dairy and flour roux before breading and frying IS the other kind of croquette that is eaten commonly in Japan. (This one's actually more authentic to the French dish than the more common potato croquettes.) Tasty, though kind of a different beast, compared to the

It's so that it looks more like a dialogue intertitle from a silent movie, presumably Birth of a Nation in particular, from the era she wants us all to return to.

Glenn Greenwald can eat a D&D bag of holding's worth of dicks, but, as others have noted, you're being unreasonable about the tweet. Use of the word "allegedly" simply does not imply a contradiction of what was said. A Google News search for the word returns tons and tons of articles about criminal cases, for instance

Eh, lots of democracies with more than two electorally viable parties have had, in recent decades, fairly stable governments, which, presumably, get at least some stuff done. The Netherlands has had four prime ministers since 1990, compared to Italy's 15 (counting the same guy multiple times if reinstated after