Utsubyo Senshi Nikorasu

Expelling tens of thousands of people from the country based on national origin because those people allegedly didn't share the country's values… Trump and Bannon are already longing for Idi Amin's immigration policy, so we've already got that one covered, thank you.

Are you Elizabeth Greenleaf Gerry?

Hey, at least Nixon got us the EPA, and it's not like those GOP staffers and cabinet officials were using their brains.

I think when the real Trump pauses shoveling well-done steaks, ketchup, 5,000-calorie "taco salads," and the tears of refugees down his fat gullet and has his presidential memoirs ghostwritten writes his new memoirs, they will come in three volumes, Large and in Charge, Slightly Smaller than the Right, and Old Man

I have been disappointed with fake poutine in Tokyo of all places. The fries were fine, and the gravy was even pretty good (though maybe a bit more of a fancy demi-glace sauce than an unassuming brown gravy). But the cheese! The cheese, man! They have a whole island, appropriately located uuup north, where they have

I Ludovico Treatmented myself to sit through it, as the trailer was genuinely awesome. Southland Tales, at however many still damn too many hours the theatrical cut is, was indeed a long series of what the fuck, not the good what the fuck (as in, pulling a film at random, A Clockwork Orange), the seriously what the fuc

To be pedantic, immigration violations are considered civil, not criminal, wrongs.

The question is, are Burma shaved beavers allowed to be shown uncensored? …Asking for a friend.

For the record, while I don't know much about street demonstrations, the ACLU was indeed pretty vocal in opposing drone- and targeted-missile-based strikes during the Obama years and should continue to be so during these gilt-covered orange days: https://www.aclu.org/search…

Looking up Takei's remarks, it looks like he just described, in largely positive terms, his personal experience having sex with someone who was legally an adult (apparently 18-19 years old, FWIW) when he was 13. There are certainly parallels there with what Milo described about what happened to him, and someone

I've sometimes found going the other way and being more specific can be more jarring. Musicians tend not to have super nuanced views about politics and policy, and even if they do, it's hard to fit cogent arguments into a song.

Then I forgive you, Sam.

2017, 2018, 2019. That's three years. Yes, his final year would be two years from now (i.e, 2019-2017=2), but he'd still be working during three years, less two months this year and whatever period from the end of his contract to the end of 2019.

Zima apparently never left the Japanese market. Once or twice, I've seen some old joke about the beverage in a TV show and bought one at a konbini out of curiosity. (I wasn't of drinking age during Zima's heyday.) This particular formulation, at least, doesn't taste bad. Actually, it doesn't really taste much like

I believe Mythagoras's explanation is also the reason why the whole "back and to the left" part of those interminable Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories doesn't actually prove anything.

I think you would have a point if I had said something like "Polanski, an alleged…" But the verb describing what the girl did during the legal procedings would still be "to allege"—regardless of how well those allegations were ultimately supported by other pieces of evidence, possibly leading to a conviction.

The then-minor in question alleged that Polanski drugged her and had sex with her while she was incapacitated. (I believe she has since said that she does not want him punished anymore but has not changed her account of the actual incident.) That would count as rape in virtually any jurisdiction, regardless of the

According to WIkipedia link given, Lincoln got a plurality of the popular vote.

Re: "Prime Minister Shinzo": I'm not actually sure that we can conclude that Trump doesn't know how Asian names work just from that gaffe. It's true that Japanese names, like Chinese and Korean names, go surname first, given name second. But the thing is, that's only necessarily true if actually speaking or writing in

🎶If you wanna get into that boy's rump
You gotta receive the Trump bump
To get in