I do not know who the hell Demi Moore thinks she is.
I do not know who the hell Demi Moore thinks she is.
Does Ed Whelan not believe teenagers will go 4 miles for a party with booze? Really? It actually kind of explains why he doesn’t believe this incident happened, apparently Ed Whelan doesn’t believe in anything remotely logical.
Can I just say that as a 35 year old woman, I’ve started feeling really creepy thinking anyone under the age of say, 28ish is “hot”. I don’t know how J-Lo and Madonna do it.
Oh, Jesus fuck — this and that whole nugget of wisdom today about Hurricane Florence being “one of the wettest we’ve ever seen from the standpoint of water.”
Fuck Drake! Fuck “The Six”! Fuck Americans for making him popular after he was only relatively popular to teenage girls in Canada on a shitty reboot of a shitty show.
Trump is right, HE doesn’t have an attorney general. The United States does. Ideally, the AG is supposed to fight to protect everyone's rights. Of course, it’s hilarious to me that all the shitty work Sessions is doing to torment minorities and immigrants is totally being ignored by his jagoff boss. Eat shit, Jeff!
in my time zone, it’s just after 9 a.m. i’m laughing, at a volume that’s intrusive to others who are getting their coffee, at a mom-corpse joke. what has happened humanity? how fucking far have we fallen?
This is going to get to him bigly. She could have written that his presidency is the worst thing to happen to America since 9/11. She could have written that his wife is hideous looking and braindead. She could have written that he is a grade-A asshole and dumber than a nutless squirrel. She could have called his…
Some people might say she’s being loyal to her hubby, but I truly wonder if Les was a penniless nobody would she make the same decision? Is she being loyal to the man or the money? I say the money. I bet she stays with him for a while longer and then divorces him. During the divorce she can say how she stayed by her…
Touched by an Arnold. Also...
I got into a discussion about this case on FB today. Someone wanted to talk about how we raise our boys, and how need to teach them how to deal with their emotions.
I was waiting for Pie-pie’s craft thread, but heck, I feel like showing off my husband’s latest beadwork:
The Republicans didn’t just throw out those famous “Binders full of women” after all.
Now we know what those people in Event Horizon saw.
I know this isn’t on topic but I’m upset and just sort of desperate. My coworker found her dogs cornering a kitten in her garage - and i took the kitten on Sunday. She was the sweetest, smallest purr machine. I took her to the vet yesterday and all was good, except that she was underweight for being 5 weeks. She…
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na JON HAMMMMMMM.
That man is as handsome as he is talented.
ah come on.... it werent her fault