
Boo for Bob Kane!

I wasn't going to see this on principle (seriously, fuck the spelling of the title), but this makes my decision easier to swallow.

Avatar sucks!

"But the band mostly manages to stay on the right side of that tipping point"
Don't you mean "on the left side"?

"When Calculon’s son breaks down, it happens on air, during an episode of the show, which suggests that the show is filmed live. Which is odd, but hey, sure, why not. Later on, though, when Bender makes his debut, the whole thing is taped and sent to an editing room. Maybe they changed how the show worked after the

That last paragraph reads like the beginning of a slasher film. And then what happened?

One of the few games I've ever taken to modding was STALKER. By default, the head bob moved around so much I couldn't take looking at it. You could turn it off, but then you were perfectly still, sliding along the ground as if you were playing Doom. Had to get a mod to add a tiny bit of bob without going overboard.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

There's two competing security concerns.
-The Cloud can dedicate more resources and can be more secure than what 99.99% of the population could manage on their own.
-The Cloud is a juicier target to attack where a flaw can expose many people.

I don't care about having physical objects, but I care about having control of the media. I almost completely stopped buying CDs, but I buy mp3s that I save to my computer and backup to the cloud. I can listen to the music anywhere and I'm not worried about any one service disappearing or my computer breaking.

I can certainly find something better than PG nudity wrapped around a crap hour long show if that's what I'm after.

Obviously, you didn't watch Hannibal.

With Bone, the color really sells it to kids.

I've been listening to the podcast for like a year or two now and am pretty annoyed at Neil a lot of the time because he seems to have a handful to canned jokes and responses that he goes to all the time. He's great at bringing wonder to someone, but then doesn't go deeper than that.
Bill Nye has hosted a few times

Wait, Samantha is leaving, too?
Lewis Black would have been great for about two weeks, then would have had a heart attack on air.

Looks like her hands are bound and he's pulling on the rope.

The Honking is forgettable to me, but I really like Obsoletely Fabulous. The water wheel robot screaming "I want to live!" gets me every time.

Psst, none of those answers were in the form of a question…

He's playing the keyboard almost continuously, demonstrating how the chords progress and how different chord progressions sound.

"Pointless pedantic question: if the robots are rebelling, and every machine is a robot, how can the TV news still be airing?"
Obviously, the robots want to keep the TVs broadcasting to stoke fear. Or compliance.